Service and innovation are the cornerstone of our company culture. We strive for our client’s operational excellence, sharing our experience, expertise and track record for the benefit of our clients’ success.
Years of experience
It is now over 20 years since Jean-Claude BOURDON founded DIETSWELL, (now DOLFINES) as a company at the forefront of the drilling engineering sector. Over the years, the company has evolved into a multi-services and multi-energy company, constantly innovating to provide solutions to the operational problems of major industrial players. He passed on his entrepreneurial passion to his son, who now heads the company with his experience and unique vision.
Adrien BOURDON-FENIOU inherited his passion for business and adventure at a very early age. Travelling to the four corners of the globe to manage oil projects in extreme conditions made him acutely aware of the dangers associated with the industry.
These experiences had a profound effect on him, teaching him the importance of safety, performance, innovation and teamwork.
Under his leadership, DOLFINES’ main objective is now clear: to help our customers achieve operational excellence, through three main areas of focus:
Asset preservation: guaranteeing the sustainability and reliability of assets and resources (human and financial);
Process optimisation: working more efficiently and more safely, while constantly improving and adapting our methods;
Improving skills: attracting, retaining and training the best talent to maintain a high level of performance.
Teamwork is one of the company’s core values. At DOLFINES, excellence emerges when passionate minds unite and meet, both within the group and with our customers, to achieve a common goal.
To achieve its objectives, DOLFINES relies on the expertise of its subsidiaries:
Aegide International, with 30 years’ experience in QHSE, offers recognised expertise in management systems;
8.2 brings advanced technical expertise in renewable energies, contributing to DOLFINES’ strategy of innovation and sustainability.
By integrating the skills of these subsidiaries, DOLFINES is able to adapt to market demands and shape the future of the energy industry by implementing innovative, environmentally-friendly solutions.
Creation by Jean-Claude Bourdon, in JV with the Dutch oil services group Dietsmann
The company becomes independent and becomes DIETSWELL
Signature of a technical assistance framework contract for the Well-Drilling professions with TOTAL.
Creation of the rig inspection division under the FACTORIG brand
IPO on the Alternext market in Paris (today Euronext Growth)
Opening of DIETSWELL Abu Dhabi (UAE)
Opening of DIETSWELL Do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro
Launch of the Trussfloat Project marking our entry into floating wind power