With a close to 25-year track record in the oil and gas industry, our services help our clients minimize non-productive time, enhance QHSE performance, and achieve operational excellence.
Dolfines provides well and drilling operations optimization services to O&G Operators and Contractors. Our expertise covers design, construction, operation and decommissioning of your wells and drilling assets.

Drilling Experts
Rig Engineering
- Rig Design, Modification & Upgrades
- Drilling / Structural Engineeing Studies
- Mechanical / Electrical Engineering Studies
- Offshore / Marine Engineering Studies
Drilling Project Management
- Well Engineering
- Drilling Supervision
- Rig Management Services
- Drilling Operations Management
- Integrated Project Management
- Drilling Operations Optimization
- Rig Commissionning
- Rig Audits
- Rig Recertification (API Q2)
- BOP Recertification
- Rig Stacking / Reactivation
- Subsea Support
We offer a wide range of inspection and audit services :
Rig Inspections, crew competency, pre-hire survey, HSE audits, commissioning & rig intake, subsea & well control audit, training, control system and software audit, dropped objects, ex survey, thermographic survey, compliance audit, rig reactivation, etc.
We performed over 700 inspections worldwide in more than 50 countries in the last 15 years.
We propose various inspectors specialized in several domains: electrical, mechanical, subsea, dynamic positioning, operational, HSE and well control.
Our inspectors are senior experienced personnel with more than 20 years in the oil and gas industry and with previous experience in Rig inspection.
Dolfines has developed an inspection software called DIGIFACT who integrates a database of more than 600 Inspections. The software improves efficiency and reporting to client during remote inspections.
Drilling Project Management
Dolfines has extensive experience managing drilling projects on behalf of O&G Operators and Contractors.
We can help Operators manage their drilling campaigns by putting together project teams covering Well Engineering, Logisitics, HSE, Contract Engineering and Drilling Supervision for projects in complex operational environments around the world. We have a specific expertise in subsea BOP related work-scopes, with the right team and skillset to get your job completed in a timely manner ensuring that there is no down time, we have an enviable safety record and have been identified by our clients as the go to company for quality.
We can also manage drilling assets on behalf of Drilling Contractors leveraging our extensive experience in rig management, maintenance management system and capacity building to help you drill wells in the safest, most cost effective way. Our target is reducing your non-productive time to reach operational excellence.
Rig Engineering Services
Dolfines’ Engineering department has been involved in multiple onshore and offshore drilling rig design, construction, commissionning and revamping projects.
We are able to carry out design reviews, feasibility studies, concept designs, supervise and coordinate the construction and/or commission drilling units. We have designed and built platofrm rigs for major operators in the Mediterranean (FMWR), built fast moving hydraulic rigs for operators in Africa (SEDLAR) and designed modular floating units (Horse Shoe Rig) for landlocked offshore drilling operations.
Our engineering department covers Electrical, Mechanical, Structural, Drilling, Marine, HSE and QA/QC disciplines and draws on almost 25 years of continuous rig engineering experience.
Operational Support
Between Well Maintenance
5 & 10 Yearly
Special Periodic Survey’s
Project Support
Project Management
Industry Renowned
Subject Matter Experts
MUX Controls POD
Specialists & Experts
Surface BOP’s
Jack Up’s & Platforms
Rig Commissioning
Subsea Riser
Inspection & Overhaul