Client name: 3C METAL / PERENCO
Project name: Plug and abandonment working platform
Duration: 1200 man-days
Project Description
The aim of this project was to allow the decommissioning of wells and the dismantling of topside in one single moving of a jack-up unit.
For this, after the decommissioning of the wells, the deck of the jack-up needs to be cleared from all its equipment to allow the skidding of the topside using removable skidding beams.
Hence, the original cantilever of the jack up and its skidding system shall be replaced by a lighter one, which could be installed and removed by the upgraded 300mT-crane installed on the refurbished jack-up.
DOLFINES was awarded the contract to design this working platform while 3C Metal realized the construction.
Activities / Tasks and Solutions developed by Dolfines
The solution designed by DOLFINES provides numerous advantages.
It ensures a safe environment for the operators and increase the operating weather windows by reducing the weather downtime due to wind. While the removal of the tubing string shall be performed with the crane sustaining the weight, the slickline and cementing operations are possible when the crane is disconnected thanks to two operating modes. The vertical speed of the travelling black is increased using a winch instead of the crane.
The platform can be skidded on an envelope of 17 x 12m with a maximum hook load of 120mT.
All the components of the working platform can be removed using the crane of the jack-up ensuring a clear deck when the topside shall be decommissioned.
Project Results
DOLFINES performed the complete design of this platform and all the ancillaries, from the conceptual design to the manufacturing follow-up.
This encompasses the complete engineering file, including the installation, operation and maintenance procedures.